I'm a twenty something currently living in Los Angeles. This is my curated life.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Being a creature of habit is great, with the exception of my bad habits. I'm terrified of throwing sensitive mail away, keep boxes and items from special occasions, as well as receipts and event flyers from different places. After years of moving into new apartments, this clutter has traveled with me, and continually adds up. This would probably make me a clutterer to some degree. Yes, that is a real term, and there's a 12 step program for it. Therapy is expensive. Here are my tips to de-cluttering and forming new habits:

Go Paperless
Switching bank & credit card statements to paperless will save you from piles of sensitive mail to dispose of, and it's a step toward greener living! Additionally, remember that you can find anything on the internet, including the articles in those magazines and newspapers that are preventing your kitchen table from seeing the light of day. The only exception to the paperless rule are books. Those should never be paperless.
There's a home for that
Make a designated folder for important receipts, and documents. Keep the flow of incoming documents properly organized into this special place. I allow myself one folder, and one only, for nostalgic items. Everything needs a home!

Old clothes
Remember, style is evolving daily. Keep your best basics organized with room to add new styles. Donate or toss old clothes to keep your wardrobe fresh.

Shelves, boxes, containers. Learn what you need, and become familiar with Ikea. Dogear the pages of the catalog. Purchase from aisle 15 E. Assemble. Organize. Voila!

Practicing organization and de-cluttering is a daily task, which can be difficult. I find that perusing Pinterest or Apartment Therapy for inspiration helps me to keep working toward a simple home enviornment.

Receipt print by Janice-Wu
Must have art for any former receipt hoarder. Is this considered hoarding art?

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